A life of Determination

Let me take you to the past, it was the time I struggled to earn a master’s degree in JOURNALISM. My friends and I got study break from the hectic college days, but with a bag full of class assignments - five news stories to be presented at the end of the vacation.

I came home, spent great time with my parents and immediately started working on the assignments. One of my friends in my town was working in a TV channel during those days. Hence, I sought his help to find out stories. He told me about a young boy who made his life colorful amidst of his illness. I was so excited to meet him and the very next day I went to his house.

Jesfer’ that is his name. I introduced myself to Jesfer and his family. Then we started a very formal conversation which lasted an hour. 

‘Determination’ that made Jesfer to move forward in life despite his physical condition. Medical Science calls his disease ‘Muscular Dystrophy’- a state of being retarded from shoulder to feet. Jesfer collapsed when he was studying in fifth standard. He dropped off his studies, but he never succumbed to his fate. Determination and will power steered him into a colorful world. A world full of paintings, drawings and often reading books. It is amazing that he draws and colors not with hands but with his mouth and teeth.Though he used to draw right from his childhood, Jesfer took art seriously after he became paralyzed.  He draws and colors everything in the nature - hills, rivers, animals, human beings, buildings, anything. Landscapes are his favorite theme. He has a huge collection of pictures. His pictures are displayed in many exhibitions. One of the happiest moments in his life, that he always cherishes, is handing over the portrait he painted of the late Indian President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, to the President himself. His pictures always reflect a color of determination. 

When our formal talk was over, Jesfer asked about my education and schooling. I replied anxiously to all his questions. Finally he asked “Do you remember a naughty boy, who had studied sitting next to you in the class room, who used to irritate you and your friends and got vanished from school one day ??? “Yes, I do remember… I was strangled for few moments...

Jesfer is truly an inspiration to me. Today, he is an internationally acclaimed painter who is one among the Indian contributors to the International Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Association (IMPFA). Jesfer continues his colourful journey inspiring many souls with his utmost passion, dedication, and determination towards art.

If you are interested in Jesfer's Artworks, please visit 

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in August 8, 2008 and has been updated for accuracy, freshness, and comprehensiveness


muskan said…
That was really gr8..of tht person..HAts Off to him.. :) Many times in life we come across such persons or situations whom we leave behind and never expect to meet / face them again...But once we meet / face...we are either speechless or just tears flow down our cheeks which speaks a lot... :)
Anonymous said…
Nice post :)
We need not go here and there to get inspiration..if we make sometime to look around the people we live with and we meet..we will definetly find some or the other positive quality which we need to develop.
Keep Posting.
nandooohyd said…

If possible please upload the great person's photograph.
Aadi said…
Just check with ur propositions and where to end a sentence.

Good to know that you have a friend who understands the real meaning of determination... 3 cheers for him...
Rahul Nambiar said…
The ending itself shows the intensity of dryness of words... after hearing that he is your old classmate... nice post anyway...touching too...
jatheesh said…
Its nice to see that you started blogging..... :). Keep continue writing and send the link to us for reading :)
A Nice touchy reaalllllll Storyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... !!!!
Hats off to Jasfar! I liked your presentation as well-you do real justice to that moment in your life. The start of the post could have been a bit more brisk - may be leaving out the unnecessary events and narratives.

Keep me posted on your posts! :D.
Anjali said…
I cant say a word, world changes too fast. Fate has changed ur classmate into a different realm in his life. This one is really touchy. Its true that we rare peep around us, God has his Miracles. marvellous writing dear

Anjali Pokkalath
Anonymous said…
Ending was superb!!
Anonymous said…
Ending was excellent!!!